FACILITY RENTALSRecreation District #4 rental requests must be reserved through the internal staff at John Davis during normal business hours, Monday - Friday from 8am - 4pm. If staff is unavailable please leave a voice message at 985-882-7782 or email
[email protected] and we will get back to you.
Facilities are subject to preferential use for Lacombe Recreation & Parks Programs/Events and Public Entities that have approved agreement with Lacombe Parks & Recreation.
Lacombe Parks & Recreation requires at least 30 days notice on all rentals.
Everyone entering into a rental request must be at least 21 years of age.
Out of District organizations/applicants are subject to an additional Out of District fee. Out of District organizations/applicants must have 80% of participants residing in Recreation District 4 for Out of District fee to be waived and proof must be provided.
All organized events must provide proof of liability insurance of not less than $1,000,000 for the rental date, naming Recreation District 4 of St. Tammany Parish as the certificate holder/additional insured, no less than 10 days prior to the activity/event.
The sale of all concessions must be handled through Lacombe Parks & Recreation.
All postings, floor or field markings must be pre-arranged/approved by Lacombe Parks & Recreation. Other fees may apply.
Rental fees are refundable if activity/event is cancelled no less than 3 days prior to rental date. Within 3 days of activity/event a 10% cancellation fee will be applied, organization/applicants forfeits all rental fees if activity/event is cancelled the day of the event. If activity/event is cancelled due to inclement weather the organization/applicant and Lacombe Parks & Recreation will negotiate fees. All events more than 50% completed will be charged, per the signed rental agreement fees, in full.